hello there. sorry it took so long. these things take time, yes? Well, it's finally here and honestly i cant think of a time when i was so sure about an issue. I could have had it done two months ago, of course, but some of our best material just sprang up. This is out first anniversary issue. thanks to all the people who have contributed and have truly made this something to strive for. i appreciate the effort more than you can imagine. thanks to martin (as he will be known from here, you siiko.) for the logo. it saved me alot of time. Thanks to R.Lemley for the superior article. Thanks to Jeff, even though you wont ever read this, for telling me how great i am -repeatedly, and through gritted teeth. Thanks to Evan for being Evan. Thanks to Cam for offering to do the layout and the graphics, even though i decided against it (i really am too protective over it all.) Thanks to Colin for thinking I was older than i truly am. Thanks to the dedicated reader who got this far and who even bothers looking at these editor rants, elt alone the mag at all.